
Dreaming bigger than my imagination can handle

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All star panel of @cdixon @naval & Tim Ferris.

The one thing that stayed with me is that web 3 experiences will not be defined by building a decentralised Twitter or Uber, it has to be imagined as web 3 first.

Thinking Deso is doing the wrong thing by going after censorship or talking open source code and creators getting diamonds. At least, I saw some of the currents ads talk this language.

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Something that Axie did to gaming.

I feel @CloutCast is really undervalued as they help creators make real money. The more popular you are, the more money you make. You choose what you repost or share.

A node with no coin prices, maybe PFP NFTs & native @cloutcast integration is what I am thinking.

Would love to hear everyone's thoughts!

2 years ago