Simple tips for improving your life, bits at a time
LPT - If you want to get up earlier than you need, but have a habit of staying in bed, set a different alarm sound. It will help you break the habit of ignoring the alarm.
LPT: Keep a lessons learned journal. Most of us recognize our own mistakes, but few evolve from them. Be one of the few. What lessons have you learned recently?
LPT: If something important stands in the way of your own personal growth, no matter how it much it might hurt, let it go. What's stopping you from unlocking your potential?
LPT: If you procrastinate or have trouble starting simple tasks, add a countdown to turn it into a little game. What are you procrastinating on?
LPT: Compliment people behind their back. Simple, and yet invaluable when they find out. Who's one person you've complimented recently?
LPT: If you live with a pet that puts on an emotional display whenever another family member leaves or returns home, record them doing this and show that person.
LPT: Always, always invest in yourself. Consistently read, exercise and meditate: you'll end up smarter, healthier, and happier. How are you investing in yourself?
LPT: If your PC lags because of video on YouTube playing in background, go to embed mode:[video-id]. What do you have playing in the background?
LPT: Everyone is "self-taught". There are just different sources of knowledge. With the internet, these don't have to be institutions.
LPT: Rest up, sharpen your mind, prepare for the next day. Goodnight!